T & T Kennels
Brad Holder:
Purchase Contract
The German Shepherd pet puppy is sold for the sum of $
A pet PUPPY is defined here to be a German Shepherd puppy which is in good health at the time of sale, and embodies the characteristics of the German Shepherd breed. This PUPPY is PUREBRED and can be registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC).
The BREEDER guarantees the German shepherd puppy to be healthy at the time of the sale and 30 days thereafter provided the BUYER meets the following requirements:
- The BUYER agrees to have this puppy examined by the BUYERS veterinarian, at BUYERS expense, within 72 hours of delivery.
- The puppy must be current on all vaccinations and other procedures necessary to assure good health within the 30 day period, if not this will void 30 guarantee
If the puppy is found to have a disease/genetic defect rendering it unfit as a pet by the BUYER'S veterinarian within the 30 day period after delivery we will replace the puppy with another puppy or give a full refund. It shall be returned for a refund/exchange, seller's choice, at buyer's expense. Deadline for replacement/refund is 1 week after being examined by BUYER’S veterinarian.
All appropriate vaccines and procedures to assure good health for the PUPPY'S age have been given, and a record of this vaccination history is supplied.
The BUYER agrees to maintain the puppy's health in good condition, and to provide yearly examinations, vaccinations, heartworm test, and any other usual procedures necessary to assure good health. This puppy has never been exposed to aversion or harsh correction training and buyer agrees not to allow this type of training. The BUYER assumes the responsibility to carry on exercise and feeding schedule. MOST PARTICULARLY, the BUYER agrees to keep the puppy slim throughout its’ normal growth period.
The BREEDER does not assume any liability for any injury to said puppy after delivery.
The BREEDER does not warrant the temperament of our puppies. Temperament is determined by genetics and environment. Too often, nice puppies develop temperament problems as a result of the way they are raised. We have no control over environment.
The BREEDER does not guarantee Hips or Elbows. There are many factors that can influence growth and development, such as diet, exercise, weight gain, injury, etc...
The BREEDER does not guarantee the EARS to stand erect. Sometimes it may be necessary for the BUYER to tape the ears to help them stand erect and sometimes they will not stand erect when taped or helped other ways.
The BREEDER does not guarantee that this puppy will mature to a certain size or weight .
The BREEDER does not guarantee MALE or FEMALE puppy will be able to produce offspring.
The BREEDER has tried to produce healthy puppies by checking the background of the dam and sire for longevity and genetic problems in their backgrounds, and by raising the puppies in the best way possible in regards to diet, exercise, socialization and veterinary care. Although there is no guarantee one of the puppies will not have genetic problems, we are striving to avoid such an occurrence by using animals that have proven their health and longevity.
The BREEDER neither makes nor implies any warranties or guarantees, express or implied, other than those written in the agreement including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and fitness. This document constitutes the entire agreement between the Breeder and Buyer with respect to this sale. The Buyer's signature below indicates that he/she has read, agrees and understands all the conditions of the Sales Agreement and Contract of Sale.
BREEDER: T & T Kennels
Address P.O. Box 84 Frisco City, AL. 36445