My Kennel
My Kennel
All my kennels are under a roof and on a slab.

My Kennel
My Kennel
I have 15 kennels, roughly 10 X 10

My Kennel
My Kennel
All my kennels have automatic water and feeders, so there is never a moment without fresh water and food.

All Kennels have a drain to a 1000 gallon septic system.
All Kennels have a drain to a 1000 gallon septic system.
All kennels have lights for long days and long nights out there.

This is my puppy room
This is my puppy room
All my pups are born in this building, it is completely finished with heat and A/C, with the mother being able to exit into the kennel.

Exercise Pens
Exercise Pens
This is 2 of my 3 exercise pens that I rotate my dogs in and out of, so they get 8-12 hrs. of exercise daily.

Exercise Pens
Exercise Pens
A few of my dogs posing for pictures

Kennel Drain
Kennel Drain
Kennels are hosed out at least twice daily, most times more. Zoe is a little camera shy.

Kennel Drain
Kennel Drain
You can see the automatic waters attached to the rear of the kennels